Land ResourcesHome/Highlights/EO Applications/EarthObservation/Land Resources
Effective management of our natural resources is one of the important aspect for sustaining a healthy economy and move forward with regard to developmental agenda. Since space based observations provide synoptic and multi-temporal coverage of our natural resources, monitoring them using EO data helps to plan appropriate management strategies for their optimal utilization. ISRO routinely carries out Natural Resources mapping, on a regular basis, aimed at systematic mapping and creation of GIS database of many important themes to help in country’s development. The Department, essentially uses varieties of satellites/ sensors with different spatial resolutions to provide high quality images for operational mapping purposes. RESOURCESAT series of satellites, with their 3-Tier imaging capability, is in a unique position to enable ISRO to realise different thematic maps at different point in time.
For Example, AWiFS data is continuously used through-out the year to prepare seasonal Land use / Land Cover maps of the country (Rabi, Kharif and Summer seasons). All seasonal images are finally aggregated at the end of the year to produce the national landuse / land cover map of India. Such maps are available since 2004 until the recent years and the current year is under process. Likewise, LISS-III data is used for preparation and publication of land use / land cover maps of the country at 1:50,000 scale once in 5 years. Special initiative was taken to even prepare 1:10,000 scale land use / land cover maps of the nation using the synthesised data CARTOSAT and LISS-IV, which is effectively usable at Panchayat level planning and development.
As part of the Natural Resources Census, many other thematic maps are also generated and published on Bhuvan geoportal, such as, Land Degradation maps, Geomorphological & Lineament maps etc.