Health-Quality Upgradation Enabled through Space Technology (Health-QUEST) Home/ Archives/Health-Quality Upgradation Enabled
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has always been striving to serve the Nation and to Contribute to Space Science and Technology for betterment of human life on Earth. Advancements in Space Technology has created positive impact in society, especially in sectors like, Health Care, Education, Communication, Broadcasting, Disaster management, Safety& Security and Land and Water resource management. The technology spinoffs from Indian Space Program has benefitted mankind by way of cost effective developments in Health care, like Artificial limb, Artificial Jaw bones, Left Ventricular Assist device and Ventilators. In the area of Safety, spinoffs include, Flame proof coatings (fire safety), Aerogel -Thermal wear for Soldiers (for protection from extreme cold weather). Whereas Distress alert systems and search & rescue Beacons have come handy in the area of Disaster management. In fact, ISRO works to Transform Lives.
During the end of the year 2016, many Healthcare associations such as Association of Healthcare Providers (India) (AHPI), Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM), Society for Emergency Medicine India (SEMI), The Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organization (CAHO) etc., approached ISRO to learn the best practices in our Quality domain and implement the same in their Emergency care and Critical care departments for reducing mortality rates. It is heartening to note that the pilot studies conducted in Dr. Mehta’s hospital, Chennai and Narayana Health City, Bangalore based on the learnings from ISRO, have yielded positive results.
To derive the wider benefit from such knowledge-transfer from ISRO and further improve on the way the services are provided at these departments, it is planned to implement the Health-QUEST (Quality Upgradation Enabled through Space Technology) studies in 11 selected hospitals across the country. Keen interest has also been shown by health care professionals in learning about, how ISRO is planning to handle the interplay among Man, Machine and Environment in the Human Space flight programs and about the medical equipment developed by ISRO.
In this context, the Directorate of Safety Reliability and Quality(DSRQ), ISRO is planning to organize the HEALTH-QUEST event at ISRO Headquarters on 26th May, 2022. Shri Somanath.S, Secretary, DOS/Chairman, ISRO will be delivering the keynote address during the Health-QUEST event where a brain-storming session between the quality experts from ISRO and eminent doctors from various domains across the country is planned. Dr. Brinda V, Director (DSRQ); Dr. Devi Shetty, Chairman, Narayan Health, Bengaluru; Dr. Alexander Thomas, President AHPI; Dr. A N Venkatesh, President SEMI; Dr. T S Srinath Kumar, Head, Narayana Health etc., will be sharing their experiences during the event.