The apogee raise maneuver of IRNSS-1F has been successfully carried out Home/Archives/apogee raise maneuver
The lndian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has a vibrant Earth Observation (EO) programme with many satellite missions launched during past 40 years. The lndian Remote Sensing Satellite (lRS) series of satellites provide space based information for monitoring and management of natural resources and Disaster Management Support under the aegis of National Natural Resource Management System (NNRMS). The lndian institute of Remote Sensing (llRS) is a premier institute of ISRO which is engaged in training, education and capacity building on use of geospatial technology for natural resources monitoring and disaster management since last five decades. The institute has so far conducted 16 Satellite/ Internet based Outreach Programmes, benefitting more than 30,000 participants from around 367 lndian universities/institutions/user departments/user ministries in lndia, we have now the pleasure of announcing the seventeenth llRS Outreach programme on "Geoweb Services and Geoportal apptications" being conducted during June 28 - July 15, 2016 to further enhance the knowledge of Geoweb services and related technologies for geospatial applications.
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